Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Why English?

I think English is a vehicle which can propel these children out of poverty. It is amazing how completely homogenous Vietnam is compared to other cities I visited in the US. To some degree, it is isolated from the outside world because of its lack of economic prowess, yet it is also very connected. I see internet cafés on every other corner. The children that I am teaching can walk down the street and chat with someone across the world. The key for them to make this connection is the ability to speak English. When I am in district one, there are many hotels with new ones popping up each time I visit. Tourism seems to be one industry that is thriving so I think if children can converse; it would be a ticket for new opportunities. Much of the assets in the new economy is intellectually grounded which is very globally portable. If they can tap into this, it could change their lives. Even though these children are so far from anything I know in my world, by my teaching English and connecting to them, it makes me feel that we are more connected in more ways than we realize.

Tonight will be the last formal lesson. Although, arrangements has been made for Friday for me to visit their temple to show them Ice Age, the animated show. So far, the children have come to my office for me to teach them English. It should prove interesting to see a glimpse into their world as I visit the entire school.


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